Nightmare Campus Rapidshare I Am A Teacher In California And Want To Know How Public Schools Are In Austin Texas?

I am a teacher in California and want to know how public schools are in Austin Texas? - nightmare campus rapidshare

I am moving to Austin, Texas, next year. I will be teaching high school. How do Texas schools compare in the treatment of teachers?

I can tell you, Los Angeles, sometimes not even paid for and have in long lines in downtown Los Angeles are waiting to get on their payroll. It's a nightmare! New in the last year, my apartment, I feel as if in poverty (living and I have a master)

I'm looking for less urban.

How are the children? Is there a dropout rate of large? (LA 50%)
Which regions are free to go to a higher percentage of learners and English language? How are children standing on national standardized tests? What is the discipline and in most schools? They (the students may have on campus because of the persecution clean) is crazy here. Only 1 / 3 of children in middle school by the school I teach.

If you are a teacher, parents, students and all information would be greatly appreciated.


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